Don't allow your feet get crossed and it will have difficulty getting around you.

Do not only practice solely NBA 2K MT against zone defense plays. The majority of the game is in that area, but that doesn't mean that the opposing team will not try to catch you off guard. If you haven't trained yourself to counter this, you might lose your game very quickly.

Play basketball games with yourself in and out of season. While basketball is a team sport, you may not be able to find others that will play. There is much that you can improve your game alone. You can practice free throws. There are always things you can work on.

Speed is a key attribute in the sport of basketball. Try to play faster than the opponents for an advantage. You need to really drill to get to the point where you play fast. But don't try to play faster than you actually are. Playing beyond your speed cause the game to get out of control with various turnovers and excessive turnovers.

A consistent pre-shot routine can enable your chance at success. If you aren't able to be consistent you'll be off when you shoot. The easiest way to make sure you're doing great at shooting free throws is through constant repetitive motions when shooting the same routines time and again.

Be sure that your vision is unobstructed. This will enable you can read the scoreboard and be able to make shots and catch passes. You want to make sure that your peripheral vision is at its best.

Don't allow your feet get crossed and it will have difficulty getting around you.

Changing up your pace can help you keep the offense is paying attention.When running toward the hoop, try planting the front foot and start straightening up. The guard may think you're starting to slow and may try to straighten up too. When they do this, try pushing forward hard and running right past them.
