Minimize vascular skin concerns at Ananda Aesthetics

Ananda Aesthetics is the leading cosmetic and laser treatment clinic who offers a wide range of beauty solutions at a reasonable price and also offers facial vein removal. Laser facial vein removal is a technologically advanced procedure, designed to diminish both spider and varicose veins using a highly concentrated beam of light energy. If we talk about minimally invasive then there are numerous cures such as like Laser varicose vein removal and Laser spider vein removal which are popular because they are minimally invasive, virtually pain free, and require no general anesthesia. The Laser targets facial veins with energy pulses leaving the surrounding area untouched. The hemoglobin inside the vein absorbs the energy and causes the blood to vaporize and the vein simply collapses. The treated blood vessels will, in time disappear naturally as the body dissolves the vein fragments away.

Advancement in Laser technology led to improvement…

Vascular skin concerns such as facial veins commonly referred to as spider veins, thread veins and broken capillaries are often a result of your genetics, sun exposure and other factors such as rosacea. Thread vein removal laser treatment is most effective for small to medium size thread veins. The up-to-date improvements in laser technology have given us a method to quickly and safely treat unsightly broken and dilated blood vessels without bruising or any complications. The treatment for these broken capillaries is so precise and controlled making it possible to gently eliminate the unwanted vessels with minimal downtime. Outcomes can be seen in as little as one treatment with Cynosure’s Medical Grade Laser Vein Removal treatment.

Simple laser vein treatment…

Whilst facial veins such as thread veins on face, neck and chest are best treated with Laser Vein Removal, thread veins the legs are often best treated by an injection treatment called Sclerotherapy Leg Vein Removal treatment. Simple laser vein treatment is done on the outside of your skin. It can treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins just under the skin's surface. Usually, more than one laser session is needed. And the dates are decided in every 6 – 12 weeks as prescribed by your doctor. (If you have poor blood circulation feeding these tiny veins, the larger "feeder" vein must first be treated with surgery, endogenous laser or radiofrequency treatment, or sclerotherapy).

After the treatment a person can be able to walk and recovery time period is typically short. You are likely to be able to return to your normal daily routine after simple laser treatment. After endogenous vein removal surgery, you will wear compression stockings for 1 week or more. To check the effictiveness of treatment your doctor might use duplex ultrasound to make sure that the vein is closed.
