How to Integrate Supply Chain Management Software into Your Business - Key Factors & Considerations

Supply chains are the main heartbeat of any business. No matter what industry is, the supply chain has worth evenly. Think of manufacturing, product selling, or service sector business, you will realise that supply chains have precious space when it comes to smooth business running.

Whenever we talk about SCM, efficiently managing the product/service supply workflow may affect due to many reasons. This is where Supply Chain Management Software marks its presence.

The SCM software helps us by bringing data together from suppliers, manufacturers, dealers and end customers and presenting it on a single dashboard. It facilitates easy analysis of critical points in the supply chain. Further, many modern SCM system includes algorithms with which inventories and capacities along the supply chain can be planned and forecast precisely.

When it comes to integration of Supply Chain Management System, it comes either as part of ERP solutions, as an add-on or as a stand-alone system. While classic ERP software focuses more on internal processes, supply chain management software expands the focus to cross-company relationships. In particular, sophisticated web-based SCM systems are currently competing with on-premise SCM solutions.

Let’s get into choosing the best suitable SCM system and what it takes to integrate this system into your business. Read on!

What Are the Requirements for Supply Chain Management Systems?

First of all, SCM software should be able to map industry-specific processes.

Furthermore, business processes are constantly changing, which is why SCM systems should be flexibly adaptable and expandable.

Last but not least, the openness of the software plays an important role. The architecture must enable all partners along the supply chain to network with each other without great effort.

Today, this can essentially be solved by online platforms or intelligent interfaces. Additionally, the system must be intuitively usable for employees, with easily understandable menus and interfaces, thus enabling optimal study of the data.

How to Integrate Supply Chain Management Software into Your Business - Factors & Considerations

The era of manual procedures has become a thing of the past. Also, the isolated operations from department to department have become history. Now is the time to leverage the technological potential that simplifies the supply chain process in any industry.

So, tapping into the powerful NYGGS Supply Chain Management Software in your organization is a strategic decision that will greatly minimize unnecessary expenses. However, the implementation process of such an advanced system may seem overwhelming. Let's explore the steps and considerations involved in successfully deploying this sophisticated solution.

Assess Your Specific Business Needs and Goals

First, it is essential to assess your specific business needs and goals.

In every organization, there exists a distinct character that sets it apart from others. Therefore, to choose the most appropriate supply chain management software, you'll have to go through a deep understanding of your operational requirements. Inventory management, order processing, demand forecasting, and transportation logistics are all integral components that we must carefully consider as they seamlessly align with our overarching business objectives.

Go for Scalability and Flexibility

You need to assess the scalability and flexibility of the software before tying with it. As your business grows, your supply chain operations will inevitably evolve. Therefore, choosing a Supply Chain Management System solution that can adapt to your changing needs is your perfect future-proof investment.

To rephrase it, look for platforms that offer customization options and the ability to integrate with other systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Inventory Management Systems, and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).

Should Provide Real-Time Insights

Data visibility and analytics play a central role in supply chain optimization. Thus, an effective solution should provide real-time insights into your supply chain's each corner. It empowers you to make informed decisions promptly.

Scan the features such as inventory tracking, real-time reporting, and predictive analytics when the provider gives you the demo. These capabilities will equip you to identify bottlenecks and keep inventory levels balanced so that you can make data-driven adjustments.

Easy-to-understand Software is a Must

Implementing supply chain management software requires a robust change management strategy. As with any technological transformation, employee resistance and a lack of training can hinder successful integration. Therefore, the system must have a straightforward user-interface that not needs an extra learning curve.

Whereas many software provides comprehensive features to combat even small problems, it makes software something tough to understand. So, investing in training programs and communicating the new software's benefits is the key to addressing this challenge. Don't ignore discussing the change with your employees as they are going to use this tool to simplify their daily tasks and enhance their efficiency.

Choose the Provider Carefully

Partnering with an experienced software provider is of the utmost importance to gaining seamless integration. Proceed with a company that specializes in supply chain management, understands your industry's nuances, and offers reliable technical support. Moreover, a trustworthy provider will walk you through the implementation process and ensure a smooth transition from your existing systems to the new software.

Integrating Supply Chain Management Software into your business is a strategic decision that holds immense potential for growth and efficiency. By understanding your business needs, selecting a scalable solution, embracing data-driven insights, addressing employee concerns, and partnering with an experienced provider, you can embark on a journey toward a streamlined and optimized supply chain.

Next, let’s enrich our knowledge with the types of SCM Software as it is going to help you while integrating the software. Read on!

What Types of SCM Software are there?

We can divide SCM software into designing, planning and executing software. Some SCM systems include all three of these levels. However, the essential component is the design and planning level. Often, ERP systems cover the execution level functionalities. Let's look at what supply chain management software does within each functional level below.

Design Level of SCM Software

The design component of the Supply Chain Management Software System provides all the necessary basic information for the planning and execution level. The core task is to convert the developed strategy into optimal production and logistics structures. In order to plan and display the supply chain, visualization options are commonly available. Ultimately, the software makes it possible to create a realistic, cross-system mapping of the entire logistics network with all its dependencies and relationships.

Planning Level of SCM Software

At this level, the SCM system ensures that all resources (material, manpower, machines and systems) are optimally planned along the supply chain. The various SCM phases (strategic, tactical and operational) are taken into account. In order for this to be possible, several systems and modules usually have to be networked with each other.

The planning methods of supply chain management software differ significantly from the tools of conventional ERP solutions. Above all, SCM Software has more extensive, more modern optimization and simulation processes. They also have a higher planning speed, which requires powerful storage technologies (caching).

In detail, the planning components of SCM systems deal with the following aspects:

Strategic Planning

This is about the long-term design of supply chain networks. In this area, SCM Software provides the basis for the development of important management decisions, including investments, location issues or the selection of suppliers.

Network Planning

This framework consists of a tactical plan that contains all the important elements of the supply chain. For example, there is a cross-departmental consideration and planning of production, purchasing, distribution and internal as well as cross-partner transports.

Sales and Requirements Planning

In the field of sales forecasting, Sales Management Software should provide an answer to the question of the number of products to be sold in what regions in the future. Technically, this requires a reliable database, which is typically a combination of sales figures from history, statistics on special offers, and research on the market. This involves large amounts of data from a wide variety of sources, which is why it requires special technologies for merging, storing and evaluating.

Production Planning

Production Planning is also part of supply chain management software. Based on sales planning, i.e. customer requirements, the software must create production orders in this area and carry out exact scheduling. Simultaneous planning incorporates all resources, including material, manpower, and machines. ERP systems are frequently utilized to obtain the necessary data. The main goals are short throughput times, minimal costs, low inventories and optimal readiness for delivery. In order to realize all this, modern SCM software uses mathematical optimization methods, algorithms and heuristic functions.

Inventory Planning

Inventory Planning is closely linked to demand and distribution planning. The objective is to establish a cross-company inventory management system, within which inventory and replenishment can be optimally planned for all storage locations. This goes hand in hand with intensive inventory controlling and dynamically changeable inventory sizes (e.g. reorder and safety stocks). To determine the optimal inventory, parameters such as storage costs, capacities, turnover rates, fluctuations and quantities are also considered.

Distribution Planning

This component deals with the planning of the storage, picking and distribution of products, whereby customer and market requirements must be of top focus. Compared to conventional distribution planning, there is a clear difference in Supply Chain Management Software: stocks and replenishment are not controlled by the manufacturer but in the customer's warehouse. One example of this is the logistics centres of automotive suppliers.

Transportation Planning

As part of transport planning, transport requirements are determined along the entire supply chain in order to optimally plan transport processes on this basis. The goal: Every product should be available in the right version, at the right time, in the right quantity and at the best possible cost. Planning between the partners is simultaneous and involves several functions. These include shipping scheduling, the selection of carriers, the determination of means of transport, the definition of routes and delivery schedules, and the calculation of transport costs.


In a fiercely competitive market, companies have started to compete worldwide. Consequently, traditional supply chain management has evolved towards an integrated and digital method: Supply Chain Management Software. This is straightforward with a maximum level of accuracy in data.

The efficient management of the supply chain was born with the aim of providing all its links with agility, flexibility and efficiency which are the key attributes for any organization to remain competitive in the current context.

At NYGGS, we have designed an all-inclusive yet easy-to-understand SCM Software which provides full customizability to the best version of the software. If you want to improve the management of your supply chain, do not hesitate to contact us. An expert advisor will advise you on the best solution for your company.


Q1: What is Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software integration?

A: SCM software integration refers to incorporating software systems into your supply chain management processes. It helps streamline operations, improve efficiency, and handle the complexity of managing a global supply chain.

Q2: Why is Supply Chain Management considered complex?

A: Supply Chain Management involves multiple internal departments and external trade partners, each with different expertise. Managing various software systems and unpredictability, such as consumer behaviour and unforeseen disruptions, adds to the complexity.

Q3: What are the benefits of implementing SCM Software?

A: Implementing SCM Software can help optimize inventory levels, minimize costs, improve order accuracy and fulfilment, enhance visibility across the supply chain, and enable faster decision-making.

Q4: What challenges might arise during Supply Chain Management Software implementation?

A: Challenges can include resistance to change from employees, data migration and integration issues, technical difficulties, insufficient training, and unforeseen disruptions. Adequate planning, open communication, and proactive problem-solving can help overcome these challenges.

Q5: What should be done after implementing SCM Software?

A: After implementation, evaluate the performance of the software. Collect feedback from users and stakeholders regarding its effectiveness in meeting objectives. Continuously monitor and update the software, adapting to changing business needs and technological advancements.
